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About this Blog

First of all I want to say Thanks for all who supports this site idea.  It is slightly above ground zero right now and just getting started, but I think this blog will be a success with all your help. I've changed the design several times and this one is my final decision.  Since its still basically under construction, please let me know your thoughts, ideas or requests to make this a better home for us. This is your site too!

Enjoy and Have Fun,
Karen Pierce

Note: if you have difficulties posting due to certain buttons not working correctly or pages not displaying right on this site, then it may be the fault of Internet Explorer Browser.  Try a different browser. I chose Chrome browser, because its by Google and I'm an Android user anyway. All Blogger functions now work. From a website developer's standpoint, its typical to have a special code to"Fix" Internet Explorer. Guess Microsoft doesn't want to play nicely with Google!

This blog serves as an online recipe book to share between us.  It will be a great reference place for all your favorite recipes that you can quickly access at any time, as well as finding new food idea's to try. Anyone can join the fun, so feel free to invite your friends and family. Copy and paste the web address or simply send the link via mobile devices.

Easily navigate through recipes by choosing from the "Category Sections List" located on the right sidebar. This is available at all times, no matter what page you are on.

Z-YOUR NAME: There is also a category with everyone's name, so that you can just click on your own name and all of your recipes will show up.  If you want to tag a recipe that someone else posted, then just let me know and I'll add it to your list. Look at the bottom of the category menu and find "Z-Your Name". The Z is placed in front of your name for ordering purposes, just to keep us together as a group.

Click the "Contact Me" tab to make a request. You will then receive an invitation email with a confirmation link. Sign in with your Goggle Account, if you do not have one then you will be prompted to create one. A Goggle account is required. Once you are accepted, you will become an "Author" to this blog.

Once you have accepted my invite via email and you automatically become an official Author to this blog, your screen name will be listed under the "Contributors" section on the sidebar. You can now contribute your recipes and start making posts.

You will not have full administrator rights, but you will be able to create and edit any posts that's your own. This is to keep the site protected from code corruption. If you would like to edit a recipe that someone else posted, I can give you temporary rights to make corrections or additions. Or just tell me and I will make the change for you. There are some Family Recipes that we all use, so each of us may have our own input.

Once you log on to the site, select "New Post" at the very top of the page, on the right hand side next to your email address (or screen name).  A template will come up giving instructions on what to do, help tips on how to use blogger, and the steps to complete your recipe post. Here is a summary:

1) Add the Name of your recipe in the "Post Title" box at the top of the page.
2) Replace or Delete any words you don't want to show up on the post as it will appear exactly as its shown, except for some formatting.
3) Hit the "Preview" button on the top right side to see what your post will look like during edit mode.
4) Hit the "Save" button to save your work in progress.
5) Hit the "Publish" button to post the recipe when you are finished.
6) To edit after you publish, hit the "Update" button to post the changes.

WHAT RECIPES TO POST FIRST?:  You can do whatever you want, but I'm going to start posting my favorite go-to recipes so that I can view them at any time and any where I may be. View your own recipes on your laptop or mobile device in the kitchen, instead of finding recipes or dragging out a cookbook that's going to take up valuable counter space. As far as the family goes, there will be no more calls to mom wanting grandmas recipe...It will all be online now!

Using a URL link to your own photos uploaded to an online storage site is preferred. For more details, please see the "Photo's" tab at the top of the page or click here

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