BE MultiDropMenu

Post Instructions

New Post: Once you log on to the site, select "New Post" at the very top of the page, on the right hand side next to your email address (or screen name).

Undo Tool & Corrections: The following is an explanation of the standard template that will automatically pull up to help you write out your recipe. If anything should happen...don't panic!  I will fix it :) It will more than likely be an HTML code adjustment. No worries. can always hit the "Undo" tool on the tool bar at the top.

Post Instructions Page: You can always access this instruction page at any time via the link on the post page itself or via the "Post Instructions" tab, which will open in its own browser window. This allows you to leave it open for reference while you write your post.  You can switch back and forth between windows with a PC, Tablet or Smartphone.

Draft Mode: Note that you will be in draft mode until you "Publish" your post. See #3 in the next section.


1) Post Title: Enter the name of your recipe in the "Post Title" box at the top of the page. Do this immediately, so auto save will have the correct file name. This will be the name of your blog post with its own address.

2) Type Out Recipe: Start typing your recipe.  Replace or delete any words on this page that you don't want to show up on the post, like any instructions at the top. The post will appear exactly as its shown on your screen, except for some formatting. The text is preformatted so it please don't change the text styles.

3) Buttons:  located on the top right side...

"Preview" button to see what your post will actually look like.
"Save" button to save your work in progress. It will still be in "Draft" mode.
"Publish" button to post the recipe when you are finished.
"Update" button appears AFTER you publish your recipe, and will post any changes after publishing.


Recipe Title Here

Tag Line to Display Goes Here

Recipe Title:
Add the recipe name again, this is just for the sake of appearances.

Tag Line Example:
Quick and Easy, Grandma's Recipe, "Your Name" Favorite, One Skillet Meal, A Chef's Favorite, A Must Try!, A Base Recipe for Different Flavors, or any statement you would like to add under the title.

Photo URL Address:

1) See the "Photo Tab" at any time for options, and how to use Google Chrome Browser to easily find the URL of any online photo, including Facebook!
2) Paste URL Address here: of photo(s) that you have uploaded to your online storage site or copied from an external source.  I will remove this link and add your photo for you if you want.
3) OR Insert URL yourself: click the "picture tool" on toolbar, select "Upload from a URL", paste the URL address in the box. Once the photo is inserted, click it for formatting options: Med size & Centered.

Food Category:

Look up the category in this box 
OR Hit "Preview" button to see the Category Menu on the sidebar.

Note that I will have to manually add your recipe to the menu, so it won't appear in the menu immediately.

You can have your recipe listed in more than one one category.

Submitted by:
Your Name

Recipe Source:
Where you got the recipe from

Put as many searchable keywords as you like that apply to this recipe, especially any applicable words that you have not typed on the page. e.g. Holidays, Diet, Low Calorie, Healthy, Vegan, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Fat Free, Low Fat, Crockpot, One Skillet, Oven, Casserole, Easy, Fast, Party, Kids, Any Meat, High Protein, etc.

List of ingredients and amounts

Preheat Oven to:
Delete this if the oven is not used

Enter complete instructions on how to complete your recipe

Special Tips or Information:
Tips, hints, techniques, info about ingredients, preparation or conversions.

i.e. contains raw eggs, do not use aluminum bowls, etc.

Additional Comments:

Anything else you would like to add. Personal notes, stories, opinions, recipe variations, links to other sites pertaining to this recipe, etc


How much does this recipe make Give serving size where applicable.

Prep Time:
How long does it take to prepare

Cooking Time:

How long is the actual cooking time

Nutritional Values:
Calories, Fat Content, Vitamins, etc.

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